Thursday, March 24, 2011

umm, so, uh, yeah...

So i'm supposed to be writing a paper that i have due tomorrow morning, but i'm not writing it... I think that's a problem, well more of a problem because i'm blogging instead of doing homework... i believe i can write this off as an utter FAILURE!!!! but the question still stands.  Of everything that i can possibly do to effectively waste my time, Why on Earth am i doing it blogging?
anyways, so what to write about...
Oh Yeah!! so as previously before stated, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and lately i have been preparing to serve a mission for the church.  For two years, I get to go out and serve my Heavenly Father, my Lord and Savior even Jesus Christ, my church, my family, the Love of My Life, Marissa :)  i will have the opportunity to preach and teach by the power of the Holy Ghost, and i really must say, i am SO excited!!!!!!! This really will be wonderful experience.  I really wish i could say that i am ready, but i know i'm not, you know, you always prepare for a test, you feel ready, but then you get there and realize you were reading your chinese book instead of your math book and you have no idea what's going on! yeah, i think that's how i'll feel, so i'm not even going to pretend that i think that i'm ready, because i know i'm not... oh well, i'll be as ready as i can make myself and just go at it when i get there. I will serve with all of my heart, my might, my mind, and my strength. 
Sorry, i guess this was kinda random, i actually did get on for a reason... i was going to write something super special and super long but i really do need to write that paper, so i'll have to write tomorrow possibly when i have a whole extra day to procrastinate! but i figured i might as well put this quick note down... i'm just excited, i'm supposed to get my call within the next two weeks, so i think anyone who reads this... if anyone at all... should make a guess at where i'll go... anyways, i believe i should be done now, i'll go write my paper, i'll get back to this tomorrow :)

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