Sunday, March 6, 2011

Um...Me? I guess... in a nutshell anyways...

A blog huh? so pretty much I think blogging is the dumbest thing... but i guess i can't say that because I'm doing it, but then again, i don't even know why I'm doing it, but i am, well i do know, I was kinda told to do this, but oh well, we'll see how it goes.
Alright, I suppose I should start by introducing myself.
Hi Ya'll, My name is Jacob!! Jacob not Jake, i know it's pretty generic, but I like it. :)
So i guess i'm gonna start this out and tell you everything anyone needs to know about me...
Alright, well, I love sports, watching them? not so much, but i do love sports.  I love watching people I know play, but i can't usually handle sitting and watching a lot of it, I'd rather get out and do something!!! I'd rather do something, If i want to know the score i can find it out later. 
But my sports... Well, i'm not a professional athlete, I'm not even an NCAA athlete, sometimes I wish I were, but then again, I really don't want to.  In high school I was varsity wrestling, soccer, and football.  And yes in that order, I love wrestling!! great sport, I love it, and I miss it.  I played soccer too, I played on a club team and for my high school, great sport, love playing in it.  Football, well, yeah... still not sure how that one happened, but it did.
I got to coach the high school wrestling team as an assistant coach, and then I got to run the junior high program as the head coach, that was an AMAZING experience!! yeah, I love that job, that, I would have to say has become one of my true passions.  Playing and participating in sports is fun, but teaching and watching others learn and grow from what you can give them, now that is truly amazing!!
I also love Music!! calming and peaceful.  I play the piano and technically I can play the trumpet too, but I don't much anymore.  Just the piano, but that's all I need. I can entertain myself for hours on one of those.
I love learning, going to school, classes, reading (I'm a dreadfully slow reader, but it works for me), just everything.
I believe in God too, yes I do.  And I am proud of it! I will be serving a mission for my church here shortly, I'll get to telling you about that later.  But I will say that I love my God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost, and my church, I can't wait to serve and teach.

Well, that, my friends, is Jacob in a nutshell, nighty night...

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